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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

I was in Stevenage, asleep in bed with my husband, when I was awoken by my friend coming into the bedroom



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Art of Dying – Drs Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick

I was born in London, and from the age of four to fifteen my best friend was a Spanish boy who lived opposite. We drifted apart as we became older, and I married and moved to Stevenage, but every time I returned to London to see my parents he would pop in and say hello.

Some time later I was in Stevenage, asleep in bed with my husband, when I was awoken by my friend coming into the bedroom. I was amazed to see him as he didn't even know where I lived. In a shocked voice I asked him what he was doing there and quickly glanced at my husband who was amazingly still asleep. I couldn't understand how he had not heard him come in.

My friend said he had just come to see me, whereupon he gave me a cuddle and left. The following morning the 'dream' was still very vivid and I wondered what was wrong with me to suddenly be dreaming about someone who, although we were close, I had never dreamt of before, or even thought of very often. I had a busy life with two children.

Approximately two weeks later I went to see my parents in London and my Dad gave me the awful news that my friend had been killed in a car accident in the early hours of the morning some two weeks previously. He was only about 22. I wish I had put the dream on the calendar as I cannot be sure if it was the same night that he died. But the coincidence is amazing.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being in a car accident


Dreaming and lucid dreaming

