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Observations placeholder

Tholey, Paul - Dealing with demons



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Exploring the world of Lucid dreaming – Stephen LaBerge

[Paul] Tholey has found, [that] attacking unfriendly characters may not be the most productive way to handle them… hostile dream figures may represent aspects of our own personalities that we wish to disown. If we try to crush the symbolic appearances of these characters in dreams, we may be symbolically rejecting and attempting to destroy parts of ourselves…..

Tholey, who has researched the efficacy of various attitudes toward hostile dream [hallucinatory and visionary] characters, concludes that a conciliatory approach is most likely to result in a positive experience. His conciliatory method is based on the practise of engaging in dialogues with dream characters…..

He found that when dreamers tried to reconcile with hostile figures, the figures often transformed from ‘lower order into higher order creatures’ meaning from beast or mythological beings into humans, and that the transformations ‘often allowed the subjects to immediately understand the meaning of the dream….

The following questions may open up fruitful lines of dialogue …

Who are you?
Why are you here?
Why are you acting the way you are?
What do you have to tell me?
Why is such and such happening?
What do you want from me?
What do you want me to do?
What do I most need to know?
Can you help me?
Can I help you?

The source of the experience

Tholey, Paul

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming
