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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Mead - Metheglin



Type of Spiritual Experience


As long as you press the solids well, all the nutrients in the honey and fruit will transfer to the wine.

From a recipe book written by monks

A description of the experience

Mead – Metheglin

  • 3 ½ lbs honey [and any honey extraction and bottling left overs]
  • ½ lb brown sugar
  • 2 lemons [squeezed, with rind]
  • 1 bramley apple grated with pips or ¼ oz malic acid
  • 1 slice of toast or 1 nutrient tablet
  • Maury yeast or general purpose yeast if Maury not available
  • 6 pints warm [NOT hot] water
  • For Herby Metheglin - Mixed herbs – lemon balm, rosemary, thyme, marjoram etc to taste
  • OR
  • For Spicy Metheglin  - 12 cloves, root ginger grated and I stick cinnamon

Dissolve honey in warm water in fermenting bucket, add all other ingredients except yeast
Let cool slightly to room temperature
Add actively fermenting yeast placed on toast, or if toast not used add the actively fermenting yeast and the nutrient tablet crushed.
Cover with clean cloth
Leave for at least one week, preferably longer in a warm place.  There will be a lot of frothing, foam and bubbling
Once very very active fermentation has subsided,  pass liquid through large holed sieve to remove  solids, but allow yeast etc to filter through.  Press solids to extract all goodness into liquid
Place in fermenting jar[s] with bung.
Leave in warm place for at least three months to finish fermentation.
Bottle as normal, carefully using siphon to ensure no solids from the bottom get into the bottles.
Leave for at least one year


The source of the experience

Other religious person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

