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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Damasio, Professor Antonio - The need for defining Form boundaries



Type of Spiritual Experience


Perceptions belong to a ‘thing’ – an entity.  This thing must have a boundary to make it into a thing.  The thing can be animate or inanimate and may be an aggregate of other things.

 The entity must have a unique identifier.  In human beings according to mystical literature this is called - the I-Self or the Self or the ID, or Higher spirit, whichever name you wish to use.  Each unique thing – each entity - is defined by this unique identifier and the perceptions it possesses.

The Higher spirit can act as the focus for all perceptions and functions of a form. 

A description of the experience

Professor Antonio Damasio – The Feeling of What Happens

Life is carried out inside a boundary that defines a body.  Life and the life urge exist inside a boundary, the selectively permeable wall that separates the internal environment from the external environment. 

The idea of organism revolves around the existence of that boundary.  In a single cell, the boundary is called a membrane.  In complex creature, like us it takes many forms – for instance the skin that covers most of our bodies; the cornea that covers the part of the eyeball that admits light; the mucosae that cover the mouth.  If there is no boundary, there is no body, and if there is no body, there is no organism.  Life needs a boundary.  I believe that minds and consciousness, when they eventually appeared in evolution, were first and foremost about life and the life urge within a boundary.


In the very least then, the neurobiology of consciousness faces two problems; the problem of how the movie-in-the-brain is generated and the problem of how the brain [mind] also generates the sense that there is an owner and observer for that movie.  The two problems are so intimately related that the latter is nested within the former. 

The source of the experience

Damasio, Professor Antonio

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


