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Observations placeholder

Rolling Stones - I stood and held your hand



Type of Spiritual Experience


Drugs may have been involved but I doubt it, this is Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones and he was not at all happy with drugs - on the other hand he did like women ...............

  a lot.



A description of the experience

 In Another land - Bill Wyman-(The Rolling-Stones)

Recorded: June 12 and also on July 7 - 12, 1967. The first Bill Wyman song to be released by the Stones on the album Their Satanic Majesties Request, in December of 1967.
Lead Vocal and Bass: Bill Wyman
Drums:Charlie Watts
Harpsichord: Nicky Hopkins
Piano and Acoustic Guitar: Steve Marriott
Mellotron: Brian Jones or Bill Wyman
Organ: Ian Stewart
Background Vocals: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Steve Marriott & Ronnie Lane


In another land where the breeze and the trees and flowers were blue
I stood and held your hand.
And the grass grew high and the feathers floated by
I stood and held your hand.
And nobody else's hand will ever do
Nobody else will do
Then I awoke
Was this some kind of joke
Much to my surprise
I opened my eyes.

We walked across the sand and the sea and
The sky and the castles were blue.
I stood and held your hand.
And the spray flew high and the feathers floated by
I stood and held your hand.
And nobody else's hand will ever do
Nobody else will do
Then I awoke
Was this some kind of joke
Much to my surprise
When I opened my eyes.

We heard the trumpets blow and the sky
Turned red when I accidently said
That I didn't know how I came to be here
Not fast asleep in bed.
I stood and held your hand.
And nobody else's hand will ever do
Nobody else's hand
Then I awoke
Was this some kind of joke
I opened my eyes.
Much to my surprise.

The source of the experience

Rolling Stones

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming
Making love

