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Spiritual concepts

Atom triggers

An atom is a bit like a bubble memory, it holds the functions of the universe which are either activate or inactive depending on the aggregates [the entities] to which it belongs.  I now need to use the analogy.

The analogy

Whenever we analyse a Business or Government system  in order to put in a computer system, a sort of figurative boundary is drawn around the system we have been asked to automate and all its main activities [we call it the scope of the system] and then the work proceeds from there.  The next thing we do is to find out all the inputs and outputs to the system.

Everything outside the system which sends us information or things is called a 'source' and everything to which we send information or things is called a 'recipient' or 'sink' [silly term but it is shorter than recipient!]

There may well be lots of activities within the system's boundaries that have nothing to do with processing input or output from outside its boundary walls, but we know that we have an obligation to send information and goods to the recipients, and that the information or things coming from outside are triggers to us starting to do something.

Thus a trigger is input or things which start a chain of processes within a system.

An example.  We have a business manufacturing chocolate bars.  We know that some activities such as the manufacturing process itself are not triggered by any inputs and outputs external to the business, so this is an example of an activity which is internal to the system itself.  But on investigation we may find that one of the triggers to activity is an order [input] from a customer[source].  Perhaps we get a delivery  of raw materials [input] – so chocolate or sugar and nuts and raisins and peanuts and ….... [aah must stop here I'm getting carried away] from a supplier [source], so here is another trigger to activity.  Then we might get an invoice [input] from the  same supplier [source] which we need to pay.

In terms of outputs we ourselves will send out chocolate bars  [output] to customers [recipient] and also send out invoices [output] to those customers [recipient or sink].

One of the triggers which has nothing to do with other businesses or governments or people sending us things is the passage of time.  Perhaps certain activities in our business are done monthly or weekly or annually.  We do our tax returns annually, we may be paid monthly, we may decide to pay our bills weekly.  No input here and no source, just the clock ticking away....

The system we have defined by the boundary wall is thus not a closed system.  No system I have ever analysed is a closed system, there are always interactions with other systems.

The notion of sources sinks and triggers is thus in some senses false, it is just a convenient way of analysing systems and making sure inputs and outputs aren't missed, but it is a useful one.

What relevance has all this to the spiritual world and its systems?

Triggers and the systems of the universe

We as a human being are a little like a small business surrounded by a vast number of larger and more complex businesses we cannot see.  Our system is thus triggered invisibly by the outputs of other systems, and as a consequence our atoms - forming us as an aggregate - respond in the same way.  There may then be a sequence of internal processes [a transaction] which lead to an output - but that output then becomes the input of something else - almost like a pin-ball game.

 This is an example of a simple trigger relayed in fact by the eyes, but in the end at the functional level an input, which triggers a function.

Bruce Chatwin – Songlines
When in any animal you isolate a ‘bloc’ of behaviour, the first question to ask is ‘What for?’  How would this or that have helped to preserve the species in its original habitat? … A robin .. on seeing another robin or even a piece of red fluff, will move into the attack because red says ‘territorial rival’.

To this end we actually have no idea in reality what the complex interactions between the activities in each function, sub-system or system of the universe actually is.  When we observe or take observations based purely on our view of the physical universe,  all we are recording is the 'outputs' – which may be triggers for us or for some other little creature.

As this is a complex area, I have provided a number of observations to help in understanding.

The real danger with not knowing, however, is that our method of analysis becomes heuristical.  This use of outputs to attempt to determine system mean that we often use ‘coincidences’  - events that occur together on a regular basis, to help us decide what to do.


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