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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Spiritual concepts


Your Higher spirit can ‘make things happen’ for you.  Co-operation between composers can often result in meetings between people who need one another in some way [C G Jung called this synchronicity], in events happening that are key to your further progress in the Great work, or in things just ‘turning up’ unexpectedly that help. 

On an everyday basis life appears to go on much as normal, but because we are here for a purpose, interspersed with those ordinary everyday run of the mill events are occasionally some events that may leave us a bit bewildered.

Sometimes they are nice, sometimes they are absolutely not  - the nice ones are sometimes a  reward, the not so nice are sometimes a punishment.

Do not interpret every inexplicable event as reward or punishment.

Just because you can’t explain it, doesn’t mean it can’t be explained. If you get headaches every might maybe you’re not drinking enough water, that is not punishment, but occasionally when you know you are working on your destiny, when you are clear what your destiny is, then an unasked for event that is nice and unexpected and perhaps something you never dreamed about – may be a reward.

A reward is rarely if ever what we want – our desires. Asking for something produces nothing in the way of reward, but thinking without wanting, is occasionally taken as a sort of hint. For example, perhaps you think fondly of someone you love who is far away, this may result in you dreaming about them, being with them in your dream and realistically being with them and waking up remembering it.

Sometimes the reward is simply that things go smoothly, that problems seem to be solved for you, that solutions to problems happen without you trying.  

We are manipulated up to a certain point, we are indeed puppets on a string, but only when it comes to our destiny. And some people’s destiny may only involve a very few events in their lives, so the vast majority of events will simply be chance or of our own making. If you win the premium bonds, that is chance, not reward. But maybe if your dog curls up in your lap and gives you a lot of affection and big licks, at a very key time, maybe there may be a bit of intervention coming into play.

Remember, we have free will, but on the other hand our will can be ‘persuaded’ when it is going the wrong way or the right way.


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