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Symbols - What does heaven look like


The Higher spirit may be symbolically described – when it is part of the living being, - as a diamond, but once it has been set free after death, it may be symbolically described and ‘seen’ as a ‘star’.

Only some Higher spirits merit becoming a star, a star is a very special Higher spirit, one that has achieved much in life, fulfilled its Destiny.    In a way we can think of it as a Diamond figuratively sent ‘up’ into the heavens way beyond the normal confines of the ‘Earth’.  It has soared up to the very highest levels of ‘heaven’.

 All this is figurative remember. 

From Ripa, Cesare Iconologia

We see this in the picture to the left – Twilight of the Morning which shows a winged figure, accompanied by a swallow,  pouring Water from a jar and holding an upended torch.

The torch pointed downwards in this case appears to symbolize 'death', [a torch held up symbolizes the ecstatic state and having been enlightened], but it may not be the kind of death we normally mean, it may mean annihilation.

Thus the person is ascending to their star –  they are discarding unnecessary function and their Higher spirit is being accompanied  by the swallow – a high flying bird.

Stars are generally not ‘there’ permanently,  they do get incarnated again, but there is a recognition that this event is rather special – thus a shooting star or a falling star or similar is an indication of a pure spirit – a soul of especial purity – coming to earth to become ‘embodied’.

And this is why the star in the New Testament was of such symbolic importance to the three wise men – it signified a  very special incarnation or birth.

John H. Hop­kins, Jr, 1857
We three kings of Orient are;
Bearing gifts we traverse afar,
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder star.
O star of wonder, star of light,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect light.

It is from this symbolism that we have come to associate the idea of a star with something to aspire to.  Thus we may give gold stars to children as a sign of special achievement, we call our celebrities ‘stars’ though many of them don’t deserve it.

The Map

Within the Egg, a Star once it returns to its place of origin in symbolic terms returns to a sphere very close to the centre and the Ultimate Intelligence.  It is beyond the Planets.

There it symbolically joins those in the Milky Way.


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