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Category: Medicines - plant based



Introduction and description


Ayahuasca is an Amazonian Amerindian brew 'employed for divinatory and healing purposes.'

Pharmacologically, ayahuasca combines DMT containing plants with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) containing plant or plants. There are a variety of recipes for ayahuasca, but most commonly it is simply the leaves of Psychotria viridis (the source of DMT) and the vine Banisteriopsis caapi (the source of MAOI).

We have a section on DMT, but DMT is not Ayahuasca.  During the experience provoked by ayahuasca one is helped by the spirits of the plant itself.  If you take DMT, all you get is the spirit of one chemical, and the spirit has no intention of helping - being man-made and of somewhat dubious lineage.

Healing potential


Ayahuasca has been placed in the suppression section and as a medicine, because we wish people to think of it in this way and not, as they appear to do at the moment, as some sort of 'recreational' drug. 

Addiction to drugs and alcohol as well as problems such as post traumatic stress and depression are a bane of our society.  Ayahuasca can help in the healing process, in some cases it has successfully cured the addiction.

Whilst Ibogaine appears to be very effective for people on the opioids and is used as therapy to treat addiction to methadone, heroin, ethanol, cocaine, methamphetamine, anabolic steroids, or with problems such as  depression and post traumatic stress disorder, Ayahuasca appears to be about the only 'brew' able to help people with Benzodiazepine addiction.  Given the absolutely horrendous consequences of this, it is a truly divine brew.  The lives of millions have been ruined by benzodiazepines.



Michael Jackson, for example, died of acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication on June 25, 2009. At the time of death, Jackson had been administered propofol, lorazepam and midazolam - the latter two are  Benzodiazepines.  They are a truly nasty set of pharmaceuticals. 

The observations show that it may heal other addictions too - alcohol, for example, as more observations are added we will get a clearer picture.

In effect, if one looks at all the observations from people who have tried Ayahuasca  treatment with genuine intent – it works.

Ayahuasca and the Spiritual path

Ayahuasca should only ever need to be used once and has a very specific place on the spiritual path.  Furthermore, it needs to be thought of within the context of spiritual progress, or if you prefer as a divine plant capable of helping you progress spiritually and emotionally.

Ayahuasca -  within the context of a healing process which requires you to go through all the ceremony and support from shamanic peoples, - provokes a rebirth experience.  

The person concerned must want to be helped and must be prepared for great discomfort.  Furthermore they must be prepared to school themselves for the next stage of the spiritual path, in order that they can be 'purified', cleansed of all the problems that put them in the position they are in.



 By taking Ayahuasca in the context of the healing process you are placed in 'Purgatory', you are purged.  After having been through this midnight of the soul, you can then proceed on the spiritual path to the stages of purification.

Those who have no understanding of the importance of this drug spiritually will go backwards, continue to mess up their lives, will not relearn and will find themselves longing for a repeat of the process to cleanse themselves of the harm they have done by not learning.

In contrast, those who move on to the 'Purification' stage of the spiritual path heal themselves.  Since many types of illness are emotionally linked, curing emotional ills often helps in healing physical ills - this is described in Types of Hurt and organs and the section on Healing yourself.


This qualitative empirical study explores the ritual use of ayahuasca in the treatment of addictions. Ayahuasca is an Amazonian psychedelic plant compound created from an admixture of the vine Banisteriopsis caapi and the bush Psychotria viridis.
The study included interviews with 13 therapists who apply ayahuasca professionally in the treatment of addictions (four indigenous healers and nine Western mental health professionals with university degrees), two expert researchers, and 14 individuals who had undergone ayahuasca-assisted therapy for addictions in diverse contexts in South America.....
Findings indicate that ayahuasca can serve as a valuable therapeutic tool that, in carefully structured settings, can catalyze neurobiological and psychological processes that support recovery from substance dependencies and the prevention of relapse. Treatment outcomes, however, can be influenced by a number of variables that are explained in this study. In addition, issues related to ritual transfer and strategies for minimizing undesired side-effects are discussed.



Legal issues


Internationally, DMT is a Schedule I drug under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances. The Commentary on the Convention on Psychotropic Substances notes, however, that the plants containing it are not subject to international control:

The cultivation of plants from which psychotropic substances are obtained is not controlled by the Vienna Convention. . . . Neither the crown (fruit, mescal button) of the Peyote cactus nor the roots of the plant Mimosa hostilis nor Psilocybe mushrooms themselves are included in Schedule 1, but only their respective principals, mescaline, DMT and psilocin.

A fax from the Secretary of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) to the Netherlands Ministry of Public Health sent in 2001 goes on to state that

"Consequently, preparations (e.g. decoctions) made of these plants, including ayahuasca, are not under international control and, therefore, not subject to any of the articles of the 1971 Convention."

In December 2004, the USA Supreme Court allowed the Brazil-based União do Vegetal (UDV) church to use a decoction containing DMT in their Christmas services that year. This decoction is a "tea" made from boiled leaves and vines, known as hoasca within the UDV, and ayahuasca in different cultures. In Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, the Supreme Court heard arguments on November 1, 2005 and unanimously ruled in February 2006 that the U.S. federal government must allow the UDV to import and consume the tea for religious ceremonies under the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


In September, 2008, the three Santo Daime churches filed suit in federal court to gain legal status to import DMT-containing ayahuasca tea. The case, Church of the Holy Light of the Queen v. Mukasey, presided over by Judge Owen M. Panner, was ruled in favor of the Santo Daime church. As of March 21, 2009 a federal judge said members of the church in Ashland can import, distribute and brew ayahuasca. U.S. District Judge Owen Panner issued a permanent injunction barring the government from prohibiting or penalizing the sacramental use of "Daime tea." Panner's order said activities of The Church of the Holy Light of the Queen are legal and protected under freedom of religion. His order prohibits the federal government from interfering with and prosecuting church members who follow a list of regulations set out in his order.



Sections of vine are macerated and boiled alone or with leaves from any of a large number of other plants, including Psychotria viridis (chakruna in Quechua) or Diplopterys cabrerana (also known as chaliponga). Other names for the brew include

  • "caapi", "cipó," "hoasca" or "daime" in Brazil
  • "yagé" or "yajé" in Colombia;
  • "ayahuasca" or "ayawaska" in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, also to a lesser extent in Brazil ("vine of the dead" or "vine of souls": in Quechua, aya means "spirit," "ancestor," or "dead person," while waska means "vine" or "rope"). The name is properly that of the plant B. caapi, one of the primary sources of beta-carbolines for the brew.
  • "natem" amongst the indigenous Shuarpeople of Peru

 The spelling ayahuasca is the hispanicized version of the name; many Quechua or Aymara speakers would prefer the spelling ayawaska. In the central Andeans of Perú, Ayacwasca means: "Ayac" (spirit or dead) and "Wasca" (vine, cord or rope)


 Ayahuasca should only ever be consumed within the context of a spiritual ceremony, in which at least two to three weeks preparation has preceeded it including considerable spiritual guidance, teaching and help.

There must be the use of Dietary moderation before during and after the process.  Only water should be consumed.

These instructions are key, absolutely key.  People have died experimenting thinking that this is just some sort of new recreational concoction

Division of Forensic Toxicology, Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner, 1413 Research Blvd., Rockville, Maryland 20850, USA
A case of a 25-year-old white male who was found dead the morning after consuming herbal extracts containing beta-carbolines and hallucinogenic tryptamines is presented. No anatomic cause of death was found at autopsy. Toxicologic analysis of the heart blood identified N,N-dimethyltryptamine (0.02 mg/L), 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (1.88 mg/L), tetrahydroharmine (0.38 mg/L), harmaline (0.07 mg/L), and harmine (0.17 mg/L). .... The medical examiner ruled that the cause of death was hallucinogenic amine intoxication, and the manner of death was undetermined.  PMID: 16356341


If the rich of the world wished to help the planet of which they are a part, they could do no better than to save the areas in which this ceremony and knowledge is preserved and set up trusts that both helped defend this knowledge, ensure the monitoring and safety aspects and provided people with the means of seeking treatment.

There is aslo a need for defenders of this faith - knights who can help protect the pristine land where all these plants grow and where the peoples who understand the land are based.

A good shaman - both good in the sense of good at his or her job, and good in that his/her intentions are kindly and genuine - is not interested in money.  They are interested in the preservation of their way of life, the safety of their people and the preservation of the paradise in which they live.  

The body of a British teenager has been found by the road in a Colombian forest, after he took part in a "shaman experience" advertised for tourists.
His family have said that Henry Miller, 19, from Kingsdown in Bristol, took part in a local tribal ritual, drinking a herbal concoction known as yagé and apparently suffering a fatal reaction to the hallucinogenic infusion.
Reports suggest that Miller was with a group of foreign tourists – all of whom had paid $50 (£36) for the experience and who drank the brew together – but who were ushered back to their lodgings when Miller took ill with the assurance that the tribespeople were looking after him.
His body was found dumped by a road near the southern city of Mocoa, close to the border with Ecuador and on the edge of the Amazonian basin.

Ayahuasca is not a recreational drug.



References and further reading

Gorman, Peter (2010) -  Ayahuasca in My Blood: 25 Years of Medicine Dreaming.

Campos, Don Jose (2011) -  The Shaman & Ayahuasca: Journeys to Sacred Realms.

Metzner, Ralph (1999) - Ayahuasca: Human Consciousness and the Spirits of Nature



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