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Some science behind the scenes


Summary of this section

Every substance has natural ‘resonance’.  Resonance is a substance’s natural tendency to oscillate – vibrate – at maximum amplitude at certain frequencies, known as the thing’s resonant frequency.

You can get all sorts of things to vibrate by applying energy to them and this energy can be in the form of  mechanical and acoustic, electrical and magnetic energy, and thermal energy, even quantum energy. Thus a magnetic field, for example, correctly targeted, works as well as an acoustic signal.

Our bodies and parts of our bodies each have a natural resonant frequency governed in part by whether they are made mostly of water or collagen or bone.  Different people have totally different resonant frequencies because their ‘compositions’ are different

Resonance at an organ’s resonant frequency invokes the functions of that organ.

High intensity energy applied to any organ at its resonant frequency will damage the organ via overload.  The intensity of the signal is in part dependant on the distance of the source of the signal  from your body.  

Low intensity [very low intensity] energy applied to any organ, simply triggers it into action and thus sometimes helps in healing by triggering a dormant process.  Pulsed signals appear to work better.

But even low intensity signals can damage, if the exposure is long.

There are very real dangers associated with untargeted and non specific resonance of any sort – thus the application of a sort of blanket stimulation to the whole body or the entire brain as opposed to very distinct and specific targeted triggering :

  • It is not targeted, as such any organ may be stimulated
  • A frequency that has an affect on one person may not have the same effect on another person because the actual size and make-up of their amygdala, their reticular formation, their heart  and so on will differ.  Two people receiving an identical frequency might get different results – for example if the amygdala is resonated one may get nothing, another might get an overwhelming prod to their emotions and feel bliss joy or utter despair.

Resonance is not dangerous of itself if it is very precisely targeted,  kept at exceedingly low intensity, and kept at very short duration. 

Where it becomes dangerous is where the same frequency is applied to large parts of the body in an arbitrary fashion, or where the duration of exposure is long or where the intensity is high.

I have provided more detailed explanations to this section in the following paragraphs.

Natural resonancy

Living creatures have ‘natural resonancy’.  This overall  natural resonancy itself consists of thousands of frequencies because of its cellular and chemical make-up. If we can imagine for a moment our body, it is made up of cells which themselves form organs which then form us as a whole.  Each organ will have a resonance, each cell will have a resonance, overall we have a resonance.  In general the resonances will not differ substantially in us as human beings because we are largely made up of water, so our various resonances will be variations of the resonant frequency of water.

But our bones will be different as will all the parts of us made up of collagen or other crystalline structures.  This includes the pineal gland if it has become affected by Brain sand.

Humans are 65% water, a cow is 74% water, a potato 80% and a tomato 95%!  If you put a tomato in a microwave oven, it will explode because the water in it is resonating [getting hot] at the frequency of the microwave oven setting.

Since every human being, animal and plant is different in its make up, the resonance[s] it responds to will be slightly different for each individual.  Furthermore there will be differences within the creature itself.  An organ such as the heart, for example, may resonate at a different frequency to the liver or lungs or back.  The brain may in turn have its own resonant frequency.  Each cell type may have its own resonant frequency. 

To provide an example for some relatively simple basic building block compounds, the approximate resonant frequencies in Hz determined experimentally for a few structures in living cells are as follows:

  • somatic cell – 2.39 x 1012;
  • somatic cell nucleus – 9.55 x 1012;
  • mitochondria from liver cells – 3.18 x 1013;
  • human cell genome – 2.5 x 1013;
  • interphase chromosome – 7.5 x 1011;
  • metaphase chromosome – 1.5 x 1013;
  • DNA – (2-9) x 109;
  • nucleosome – 4.5 x 1015;
  • ribosome – 2.65 x 1015;
  • cellular membrane – 5 x 1010;
  • cytoskeleton – 108;
  • erythrocyte – (3.5-4.0) x 1010

[Source Illarionov].

We are made up of organs and organs are made up from cells and cells are made up of molecules and in turn molecules are made from atoms. Resonance applies at each level of matter - even the lowest levels of matter.  Thus we can expect that at the sub atomic level there are resonances that apply to atoms and molecules – not just cells - and that the energy that affects these levels to give them resonance has to have an extremely short wavelength.

Within the human population, sensitivity may also change over time as a person grows [in the case of children] lose weight or gain weight, or change their bodily make-up [by exercising for example, or getting older].  As people age their natural body resonance will change as their bones lose mass and they may become more susceptible to different frequencies.  The same will likely be true for  animals.

One thing does seem clear, however, and that is that animals of about the same cellular and organ make-up and size exhibit sensitivity in the same sort of bands of frequencies.

It is this feature which has made the development of safety guidelines possible in some areas using a measurement called the SAR.  Specific absorption rate (SAR) is a measure of the rate at which  energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields.

Invoking the functions

Every organ and cell of our body has specific functions associated with it.  And resonance of the organ or cell induces those functions.  Thus some frequencies induce one set of functions in one set of cells or organs and other frequencies induce yet other sets.  Functions are thus triggered according to frequency.

The next major question of course is then what frequencies?

All the frequencies tend to be extremely low frequencies, with various frequencies inducing the resonance of each of these organs.  If we look at the classifications of electromagnetic radiation we can see that ELF frequencies lie in the range of from 3HZ to 30 HZ. 





extremely low frequency

3Hz to 30Hz

100'000km to 10'000 km


superlow frequency

30Hz to 300Hz

10'000km to 1'000km


ultralow frequency

300Hz to 3000Hz

1'000km to 100km


very low frequency

3kHz to 30kHz

100km to 10km


low frequency

30kHz to 300kHz

10km to 1km


medium frequency

300kHz to 3000kHz

1km to 100m


high frequency

3MHz to 30MHz

100m to 10m


very high frequency

30MHz to 300MHz

10m to 1m


ultrahigh frequency

300MHz to 3000MHz

1m to 10cm


superhigh frequency

3GHz to 30GHz

10cm to 1cm


extremely high frequency

30GHz to 300GHz

1cm to 1mm


If we now look at sound or acoustic stimulation we find – not surprisingly -  that the frequency ranges are identical.  Note that the effects of this level of low frequency exposure are not always positive.  The stimulation of an organ can cause all sorts of unpleasant symptoms depending on the organ and the intensity of the signal, so effects may well be felt, but the effects may be not at all what is wanted


The diagram below obtained from Wikipedia shows that if the energy is sound, then most of the energy needed to stimulate an organ would be classified as infrasound.


The upper frequency limit in humans (approximately 20 kHz) is determined by the middle ear, which acts as a low-pass filter.

We may not actually hear it, but it will be having an effect, because infrasound can travel through things, it does not have to be heard to be effective as a resonator.

The mechanical vibrations that can be interpreted as sound can travel through all forms of matter - gases, liquids, solids, and plasmas, so they can affect our entire bodies. The only thing sound cannot travel through is a vacuum and since the body does not have this we can see that any sound will affect everything.

So if we apply sound, mechanical vibration, electromagnetic energy, thermal energy and so on to the body as a whole in other words we don’t target it to a very specific organ, it will affect  every organ of the body.  Whether it resonates anything or not is then dependent on whether the frequency of the energy – the radiation  - matches the resonant frequency of any one of the organs in the body.

Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) Submitted: 6/17/2010 10:52:36 AM
Wind Siting Rules 1-AC-231; Commentor Information:  Lynne Knuth, PhD

In the coursework description of "Whole Body Vibration" Prof Alan Hedge of Cornell University writes: "Vibrations in the frequency range of 0.5 Hz to 80 Hz have significant effects on the human body. Individual body members and organs have their own resonant frequencies and do not vibrate as a single mass, with its own natural frequency. This causes amplification or attenuation of input vibrations by certain parts of the body due to their own resonant frequencies.

  • The most effective resonant frequencies of vertical vibration lie between 4 HZ and 8 Hz.
  • Vibrations between 2.5 and 5 Hz generate strong resonance in the vertebrae of the neck and lumbar region with amplification of up to 240%.
  • Vibrations between 4 and 6 Hz set up resonances in the trunk with amplification of up to 200%.
  • Vibrations between 20 and 30 Hz set up the strongest resonance between the head and shoulders with amplification of up to 350%.

The effects of intensity, duration and distance

In the description I have provided of Intensity, duration and distance, the overall results were that

  • High intensity radiation of any sort damages organs
    • High intensity high frequency radiation causes heating [as in a microwave] and causes cell damage or death of cells. 
    • High intensity low frequency radiation causes acceleration of ‘metabolic’ processes [cell healing, multiplication and growth] and can cause such diseases as cancer
  • Distance decreases the intensity thus the closer the radiation to the person the higher the intensity and the more danger there is of damage
  • The longer the exposure the more damage may be done.  Short duration  low intensity resonance may heal by triggering dormant function, but long duration exposure can damage cells.

The dangers of resonance

We can summarise the dangers of untargeted and non specific resonance as follows:

  • It is not targeted, as such any organ may be stimulated
  • A frequency that has an effect on one person may not have the same effect on another person because the actual size and make-up of their amygdala, their reticular formation, their heart  and so on will differ.  Two people receiving an identical frequency might get different results – for example if the amygdala is resonated one may get nothing, another might get an overwhelming prod to their emotions and feel bliss joy or despair.

Resonance is thus totally arbitrary in its effect.

If resonance is deliberately used as a mechanism of spiritual experience it is also likely to be just as random in its effects.  If you decide to target the organs of the brain, with a general resonance mechanism,  given that there are many organs in the brain which appear to have resonant frequencies in a similar range, the effects could be totally unpredictable.  If you are out by only a fraction, a different organ may be vibrated.

Both the pineal gland and pituitary gland , for example, are found in the brain very close to the hypothalamus and amygdala and are of a similar size.

Inadvertent stimulation of the pituitary gland by a particular frequency could lead to the stimulation of the functions it controls with things going very wrong – changes in temperature [hot cold] rise or lowering in blood pressure, water balance going all wrong and so on.  This is a very dangerous organ to stimulate – a lot could go wrong.


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