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Stimulation via resonance

Category: Events


Involuntary and voluntary

Introduction and description

Igor Morski

The human body is made up of a series of Aggregate structures - organs and skeletal material, each of which have a defined set of functions.

These organs and structures inter communicate physically via the physical nervous system and blood circulation system, which act, analogously like a computer communication network [hardware] and logically via the nervous system [software] also known in traditional Chinese medicine as the meridians.  The functions of the organs can be activated via the [logical] nervous system using indirect stimulation via a trigger point

The body functionally is thus like a large computer system underpinned by a physical network [physical nervous system and blood circulation system] as well as dedicated processors [the organs of the body and brain] and input/output devices.

The functionality of the organs can be invoked using extremely gentle [low intensity] stimulation, or they can be knocked out [or damaged] by high intensity stimulation.  The effects of high intensity stimulation depend not only on intensity but also duration and distance from the source of the stimulator.

Man Ray

So think of yourself as a huge set of strings on a stringed instrument.  Play the string very gently and you get music, pull the string hard and it breaks with a twang!

In order to stimulate an organ [whether  gently or not], we can do one of two things

  • Triggering - We can use a trigger point to indirectly get at its functions, analogously this is a little like using a mouse to get at a computer program - this approach is called Stimulation of trigger points.  It is a very well tried and tested approach using, as it does, meridians and the systems developed in Chinese medicine [acupressure, acupuncture etc] with the disadvantage that not all the connections have been mapped - not even after all this time
  • Resonance - We can Resonate it directly by knowing its resonant frequency.  This approach is what we are describing here.  It is not as well tried or tested and the frequencies are not as well known, on the other hand you can get at organs which appear to be inaccessible currently via meridians [because the paths have not been mapped].  There is the added danger that the resonant frequencies of each organ differ between people, which is why children often get leukemia [high intensity stimulation of the spinal column] whereas adults in the same environment do not

This description is about Resonance, finding the resonant frequency of an organ to stimulate it and thus stimulate its functions.   By doing this we can heal the organ - encourage it to work better - or simply invoke its functions.  Thus spiritually the main experience may seem to be healing.  BUT, the brain also has organs all of which have a function [Brain and its functions].  Thus if we stimulate these functions or find a way of suppressing others, we also have the option of provoking other sorts of spiritual experiences. 

To understand this you need to have read the generic description of How spiritual experience works, when you can compare the functions of the mind with the processors of the brain.

Photo-collage below by Igor Morski


Key aspects - There are two important aspects of resonance which determine its effectiveness - intensity and frequency of vibration:-

  • High intensity/low intensity - The first key to the success of this activity is the intensity of the vibratory force and also whether it is pulsed. 
  • High intensity- when a high intensity field is used, to all intents and purposes it knocks out the organ or part of the brain being targeted. 
    Initially high intensity energy severely excites the functions causing them to loop round in ever faster circles, eventually the functions give up and stop.  It is overload followed by inactivity.  Thus since each organ has a function, it knocks out that function. This may be what we are aiming for on a temporary basis, but even in the short term it can do serious damage as the knock out could be permanent - again see the section Intensity duration and distance
  • Low intensity- when a very low intensity field is used, it acts as a stimulant - albeit a very  gentle stimulant.  The effects depend entirely on which parts of the body or brain are targeted.  This time a function or functions of the body or brain are activated
Igor Morski
  • Frequency - Our brain and our body have various organs and each organ has what might be termed a 'resonant frequency',  see Resonance for more details.
    If we use  the brain as an example.  The cerebral cortex may be stimulated by a completely different frequency to the one used for the amygdala, which is much smaller, or the hippocampus which is smaller still. 
    The frequency is thus key and there is thus an inherent danger that you don't get the frequency right and stimulate the wrong organ.  This is another reason why I have placed all the activities in this category in the overload category, as they are not inherently 'safe', we are being astronauts here, or Star trek explorers, not trolling off down the road for a jaunt.
    Using these activities is further complicated by the fact that even the same organ may be provoked into action by slightly different frequencies for different people, because their heads and organs are different sizes.  What works for a child may not work for an adult.  What works for a woman may not work for a big headed man!





extremely low frequency

3Hz to 30Hz

100'000km to 10'000 km


superlow frequency

30Hz to 300Hz

10'000km to 1'000km


ultralow frequency

300Hz to 3000Hz

1'000km to 100km


very low frequency

3kHz to 30kHz

100km to 10km


low frequency

30kHz to 300kHz

10km to 1km


medium frequency

300kHz to 3000kHz

1km to 100m


high frequency

3MHz to 30MHz

100m to 10m


very high frequency

30MHz to 300MHz

10m to 1m


ultrahigh frequency

300MHz to 3000MHz

1m to 10cm


superhigh frequency

3GHz to 30GHz

10cm to 1cm


extremely high frequency

30GHz to 300GHz

1cm to 1mm














Igor Morski

Resonance and the brain - if we now take a look specifically at the brain and its organs, we can get an idea of what is possible via resonance

  • Left brain /right brain-  If you look first of all at the Brain split, you will see that gentle stimulation of the right brain as a whole for example will help with creativity and imagination and open the door to the Composer with inspiration or wisdom.  On the other hand, high intensity stimulation of the left brain will temporarily knock out the functions of the Intellect.
    As Depression is a function of the left brain and Mania a function of the right brain, we can expect to help depression by high intensity stimulation of the left brain and reduce mania by low intensity stimulation of the right brain.  Conversely if we stimulate the right brain of a manic depressive too much we will induce hypermania.  And indeed from the papers on Pubmed, this is indeed what happens.
  • Specific targeting - If we want to be more targeted and aim for a specific organ in the brain then the effects will be dependent on the function of each organ - see The Brain and its functions.
    High intensity stimulation of the Frontal lobe, for example, may simply temporarily knock it out.  The frontal lobe is associated with Reasoning, higher level cognition, expressive language and possibly Learning.  If you glance at the section on How spiritual experience works you will see that knock out of these functions could produce hallucinations, waking dreams, out of body experiences and so on.
    The Inferior temporal lobe is involved in the laying down of perceptions or even some perception processing thus gentle stimulation will help with perception recall - useful in healing psychological trauma to get at 'the truth'.
    Stimulate the amygdala and you will provoke emotions.  Stimulate the midbrain and you may get cessation of nervous sensations.  In fact you have an ideal non intrusive method of pain relief if you get it right.
    If the person is having difficulty concentrating and learning, very very gentle  stimulation of the frontal lobe may serve to bring the person back into balance.

Thus potentially this is an activity that can work in numerous different ways to heal, to provoke visions, to invoke perceptions, to improve creativity, to help with learning difficulties and so on.   Except that no one seems to realise this. 


Some basics - energy

You get things to vibrate by applying energy to them and this energy can be in the form of 

  • mechanical energy
  • acoustic energy [sound]
  • electrical energy
  • magnetic energy
  • thermal energy [heat]
  • chemical energy - pharmaceuticals, drugs, endogenous chemicals and food

We should all know from our physics lessons that energy is interchangeable - we may call it different names but energy is essentially energy, even quantum energy. Thus a magnetic field, for example, correctly targeted, works as well as an acoustic signal.

Which frequencies?

Below Man Ray

Our bodies and parts of our bodies each have a natural resonant frequency governed in part by whether they are made mostly of water or collagen or bone. 

Different people have different resonant frequencies because their ‘compositions’ are different, so finding the resonant frequency of each organ for a person is, in all honesty, a bit hit or miss. 

But we know ball park figures for people and at very low intensities there is less risk if we experiment.

Very very low frequencies - all affect the cells

Low frequencies - The smallest organs tend to be those in the brain like the amygdala [emotions], hippocampus, hypothalamus and so on and those that govern our hormones like the pineal gland and pituitary gland.  These are extremely dangerous organs to resonate unless you know what you are doing.    The whole of our hormonal system could be knocked for six by the mis-application of stimulation.  And they could be destroyed by high intensity stimulation - which is why some people die from mis-applied stimulation.
Very low frequency - infrasound for example - stimulates these organs, as such you are diceing with death if you apply these to your body at too high an intensity for too long.
If we use an example, if you resonate the pituitary gland by mistake, you might suddenly find one or more of the following go haywire

  • Growth (Excess of HGH can lead to gigantism and acromegaly.)
  • Blood pressure
  • Some aspects of pregnancy and childbirth including stimulation of uterine contractions during childbirth
  • Breast milk production
  • Sex organ functions in both men and women
  • Thyroid gland function
  • The conversion of food into energy (metabolism)
  • Water and osmolarity regulation in the body
  • Water balance via the control of reabsorption of water by the kidneys
  • Temperature regulation

High frequencies - just as the low notes will affect the water based us, the high notes

will probably affect the bone.  But of course these cannot be divorced.  The spine is surrounded by the cerebrospinal fluid, so if resonance is set up in this fluid, it will affect the spine and all the organs of the brain.  The pineal gland when it has become crystalline – see Brain sand -  will also resonate in a special way and at unique frequencies dependant on how much brain sand we have accumulated.

The options - actions

Now for the activities themselves.  There are much more specific descriptions for a whole series of activities that come within this classification on the site.  The following lists the ones I have included

  • Going out in violent weather - weather produces sound, often it is infrasound, though of low enough duration to mean it does no long term damage
  • Transcranial Magnetic stimulation - which when done safely [there are unsafe technologies on the market] is pulsed low intensity stimulation of the brain using magnetic fields
  • Visit sacred sites - which may in some cases work via low intensity stimulation via electric [telluric] currents or via magnetic fields
  • Visiting telluric hot spots - which is in general low intensity, but at high focal points can be high intensity, it works via stimulation from electric [telluric] currents
  •  Visiting waterfalls - high intensity stimulation via sound, much of it audible sound but some infrasound too

 The options - events

The following activities work the same way but in this context are better thought of as things one would not deliberately do or suffer, but things that may happens to you

  • Bass shakers - high intensity sound often including infrasound
  • Blasting bombing and explosions - Stimulation usually of high intensity from sound. Where the person is distant from the explosion the experience may be generated by low intensity infrasound.
  • Cranial vibration - which is mechanical stimulation whose intensity depends on the apparatus doing the vibrating
  • ECT - Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known as electroshock, is a psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in anaesthetised patients “for therapeutic effect”.  This is thus extremely high intensity stimulation using electric current.  It has caused permanent brain damage
  • Experiencing earth forces - which notably is sometimes an 'action' rather than an event.  This can be high or low intensity and can be of magnetic, electric or sound energy.  An earthquake, for example, may be all three
  • Radiation - thus invisible radiation including light and heat, there are two more specific sections here that come within this category
  • Heavy machinery - which may be either high or low intensity and is usually sound, often infrasound, although mechanical vibration may play a part
  • Helicopters - high intensity sound coupled with the action of high intensity light flicker
  • Military weapons - which are high intensity and often based on sound, usually infrasound
  • Modern buildings - which may be high or low intensity and may be both sound - often infrasound or electrical from static electricity
  • PVDF pipes - which can produce inaudible sound - infrasound from telluric currents.  The intensity depends on how far away from the pipes you are
  • Wind turbines - usually infrasound as such you never know the vibration exists, and the closer you are to the turbine the higher the intensity.  Note that most of the 'experiences' obtained from wind turbines are from the illnesses caused by them

Below Man Ray

How it works

How does stimulation work to give us a spiritual experience?  As we have seen the way it works is dependent on the intensity distance and duration of the energy source as well as its frequency.

Igor Morski

It works by either stimulating a function, or destroying the processor of the function and the function itself.  The activity is thus either benign or not benign in the way it works.

Again it is worth reading the generic description of How spiritual experience works, to see which organs in combination might produce which functions.

The observations are also quite interesting as they show what can happen.  One observation, for example, shows that car accidents in adults and unruly behaviour in children are common is really bad weather - a sign of resonance/stimulation of something!



It clearly works and in many cases it is free


Photo left:  Man Ray

Resonance, particularly at high intensity and low frequency – can be inherently unsafe.  The effects will be entirely unpredictable because the resonant frequencies of each person’s organs may be different.

At high intensity and in uncontrolled settings, one person may get as high as a kite, another may experience fear of an almost unbearable nature.   

You have to be extremely careful with all low frequencies.  You could become quite ill because they affect your body functions.  There are some frequencies that can ‘churn your stomach’.  The energy may affect the body or it may affect the mind. 

There is some research that shows that the frequency that causes vibration of the eyeballs, and therefore distortion of vision, is around 19 Hertz. At this frequency you might get a visual hallucination – but at what cost!

"In one of the scenes in Master and Commander where canon blasts are surging from everywhere, …. the grille cloth was moving in sync to the rhythm of the woofer diaphragm; like an hallucination. What about the thunder of the waves hitting the sail boat, literally making me seasick?"
-- Robert Lussier, Quebec Audio Video


According to the Working Paper on Infrasound Weapons produced by Hungary for the United Nations in 1978, the frequency that is thought to be most dangerous to humans is between 7 and 8 Hertz. At low intensity short duration little harm is done, but at high intensity it can provoke heart attacks – and I am not joking, as one commentator noted.

“.....if 8 hz stops your heart from beating normally, it, ahem, sounds quite physical to me”

Remember that the military already know this.

References and further reading

More paintings by Igor Morski and a biography can be found in the section on Nausea

Most photos are by Man Ray.


The majority of the observations are linked to the sub-activities I have listed.  Some unclassifiable ones are listed below.


Related observations