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Observations placeholder

Whiteman, J H M goes back down the well



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman

(November 24, l95l). Towards the end of a vivid quasi-physical separation into a strange house, I tried to get out by ascending a small staircase. But the way up suddenly contracted, and realizing that fantasy-obstacles were being imposed I turned back again. The floor of the room towards the left began to take on the appearance of sloping away in darkness, and almost at once it was as if I were being drawn, or were gradually slipping, towards a rectangular pit or well of water placed there (the details were not discernible, but the significance of darkness, depth and water, was frighteningly strong).

Involuntarily struck with fear at this situation, and having lost poise of mind, I called out for help, in an attitude of prayer. Suddenly there was the sound of someone hurrying down the stairs from above. A man like a coloured servant appeared, and with an anguished look on his face he tried to pull me back into the room. But by-that time I was far sunk down, my head almost level with the floor.

There came the vivid sound of rushing water in my ears, and I awoke in the physical world. I had never forgotten that the experience was a separation. But understanding (from the head) is unable to save us from an unpleasant situation, without Obedience (from the heart).

The source of the experience

Whiteman, J H M

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




