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Observations placeholder

Rene Magritte and J H M Whiteman



Type of Spiritual Experience


The Mystical Life - J H M Whiteman

The dream, during the night that followed was at the beginning quite irrational, though perhaps more keenly followed than usual.  I seemed to move smoothly through a region of space where, presently, a vivid sense of cold flowed in on me and held my attention with a strange interest.  I believe that at that moment the dream had become lucid.

Then suddenly, all that up to now had been wrapped in confusion instantly passed away and a new space burst forth in vivid presence and utter reality, with perception free and pin pointed as never before; the darkness itself seemed alive.  The thought that was then borne in upon me with inescapable conviction was 'I have never been awake before'.

At that time, in spite of two previous incipient awakenings, I had no knowledge of the possibility of sepraration, not to mention the manner of its occurrence; and this ignorance was no doubt responsible for my inability to remain in that state longer and recognise more.

I had in some way seen the bedroom from another space in which one could be really alive, but was scarcely ready to recognise the duplication of the bodily faculties - in spite of the fact that my consciousness seemed to be strangely oriented in the room, being as if upright and nearer the centre.  These relations of space and form being metaphysical are extraordinarily elusive and confuse one's understanding greatly at first.  Consequently, after a few moments, I returned to the physical state.

A description of the experience

Rene Magritte - the Kiss

The source of the experience

Magritte, René

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

