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Observations placeholder

Valerian, kava, anxiety and headaches



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Citation:   Geoffrey. "Valerian for an Active Person: An Experience with Valerian (ID 5213)". Erowid.org. Jan 11, 2002. erowid.org/exp/5213

I have found Valerain Root to be a friend for many years. My energy level can be very high at times, with much work and family to manage. I often take time to think intensely or have bouts of intense emotion connected with thoughts. You could say it is a combination of being high strung, very imaginative and active. There are times when moving into or out of this active state does not move smoothly, such as when physically my health does not support that amount of energy, or something is worrying me, such as a past pattern or karmic type of situation. When there is a feeling of tension in the neck and perhaps a headache or feeling of anxiety, that is when Valerian is my friend, along with Kava Kava.
I have found that the right dose is important. It has been my experience that it is better to take small doses, such as two caps or 1/2 teaspoon of tincture a few times rather than a larger dose, because too much will not work to create a relaxation and ease of a tension headache or migraine headache.
It is also important to have a time out, to lie down and focus on the pain and breathe deeply. Often in a few minutes I feel refreshed and have a different perspective, a feeling of relief and power over my situation from awareness or a new way to deal with a problem.
My favorite form of Valerian Root is the non alcoholic extract. It is especially suitable if I have a headache because it is easy to take and there is no alcohol to aggravate a headache. I find I can take more of this extract in a shorter time. This is usually gone first, then the caps, then there is usually some tincture around last. As a mentally and physically active person, I appreciate Valerian Root for its calming and strengthening effect on my nervous system.

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Extreme pain



