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Observations placeholder

Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 030



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead – translated by R O Faulkner

Oh my heart which I had from my mother!  Oh my heart which I had from my mother!  Oh my heart of my different ages!  Do not stand up as a witness against me, do not be opposed to me in the tribunal, do not be hostile to me in the presence of the Keeper of the Balance, for you are my ka which was in my body, the protector who made my members hale.  Go forth to the happy place whereto we speed; do not make my name stink to the Entourage who make men.  Do not tell lies about me in the presence of the god; it is indeed well that you should hear!

Thus says Thoth, judge of truth, to the Great Ennead which is in the presence of Osiris; Hear this word of  very truth.  I have judged the heart of the deceased and his soul stands as a witness for him.  His deeds are righteous in the great balance, and no sin has been found in him.  He did not diminish the offerings in the temples, he did not destroy what had been made, he did not go about with deceitful speech while he was on earth.

Thus says the Great Ennead to Thoth who is in Hermopolis; This utterance of yours is true.  The vindicated Osiris N is straightforward, he has no sin, there is no accusation against him before us, Ammit shall not be permitted to have power over him.  Let there be given to him the offerings which are issued in the presence of Osiris, and may a grant of land be established in the Field of Offerings  as for the Followers of Horus

Thus says Horus son of Isis; I have come to you, O Wennefer, and I bring N to you.  His heart is true, having gone forth from the balance and he has not sinned against any god or goddess.

The source of the experience

Egyptian Book of the Dead

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


