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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Healer H - Having a board meeting



Type of Spiritual Experience


This was an experiment – a joint experiment where I was subjected to stimulation via trigger point techniques and another person  - the observer - used Reiki to use me as a portal – it was successful on a number of occasions and you will find a number of observations derived from this approach

A description of the experience

October transcript

round wooden table with six people sitting round it with high backed chairs – having a board meeting!

Scene of more high backed chairs … at the cinema.. …...coats hung over the back of the chairs...... ready to watch the entertainment.......

 purple arm chair with a crochet blanket over the back – the armchair is empty!... oh they want you to sit in it... more rest they say

i'm going down down down … in a sort of lift shaft

2 rows of people opposite each other... they are handing out money... or a present?  … I think it is for you … the gift

my hands are over your heart chakra and I feel sadness

image of you putting out the washing – 3 men's shirts all fresh and clean

a crystal ball is thrown into the air, a crowd of people put their hands up to catch it..... a banquet?  A wedding?

A group of people in a field covered with snow build a snowman... there is a group of people in a line all working together to put the carrot and the coal on the snowman.......

brown leather shoes in a shoe box are shown to me

red cross sparkling – I think it is you rising up through the cross

 …......................... i'm shown three long mirrors attached together like a room divider/screen …......woman takes a glance in the mirror and walks past quickly – not paying too much attention to herself

 a wooden bookcase now... a series... with glass doors.. books are shown me

 lady in a bright pink dress in a big castle sits down in a big armchair – she shows me her pearl necklace but takes off her pearl bracelet to give to me

a big celtic spanner is shown me …. 2 knights use the spanner to prize off a metal grating with holes in... inside is a key

…....... now a man in a blue robe with rope around the waist lifts a brown book off the table and waves it at me........

tired now.......

that's all...........

The source of the experience

Healer H

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Stimulation of trigger points

