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Observations placeholder

Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - He who wisheth one day to fly



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Thus spake Zarathustra - Nietzsche
This however is my teaching: he who wisheth one day to fly,  must first learn standing and walking and running and climbing and dancing - one doth not fly into flying!
With rope-ladders learned I to reach many a window, with nimble legs did I climb high masts; to sit on high masts of perception seemed to me no small bliss –
To flicker like small flames on high masts: a small light, certainly, but a great comfort to cast-away sailors and shipwrecked ones!
By divers ways and wendings did I arrive at my truth; not by one ladder did I mount to the height where mine eye roveth into my remoteness.
And unwillingly only did I ask my way - that was always counter to my taste! Rather did I question and test the ways themselves.  A testing and a questioning hath been all my travelling – and verily, one must also learn to answer such questioning! That, however, is my taste –
Neither a good nor a bad taste, but my taste, of which I have no longer either shame or secrecy.
‘This is now my way. Where is yours?’  Thus did I answer those who asked me ‘the way’. For the way - it doth not exist!
Thus  spake Zarathustra.............

He who one day teacheth men to fly will have shifted all landmarks; to him will all landmarks themselves fly into the air; the earth will he christen anew - as “the light body''.
The ostrich runneth faster than the fastest horse,  but it also thrusteth its head heavily into the heavy earth; thus is it with the man who cannot yet fly.
… he who would become light and be a bird, must love himself – thus do I teach

The source of the experience

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

