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BBC man woke from coma believing it was 1952 and he was American racing driver



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

BBC man woke from coma believing it was 1952 and he was American racing driver

A BBC presenter has told how he awoke from a coma following a devastating bicycle crash believing he was a 1950s American racing driver.


PUBLISHED: 15:57, Tue, Aug 16, 2016 | UPDATED: 16:40, Tue, Aug 16, 2016




BBC newsreader Will GlennonBBC

BBC newsreader Will Glennon has revealed the extent of his injuries

Newsreader Will Glennon, 44, hit a Tesco delivery van in a horrific head-on crash and broke all his ribs, punctured a lung and suffered a massive head injury.  

The BBC Points West news anchor recalled how he was asked questions by medics as he came round from the medically-induced coma. 

Will Glennon in a coma in his hospital bedWILL GLENNON

Will Glennon shared this shocking image of him after the horror head-on crash

"They tell me they asked me three questions: Where are you? What year is it? and what do you do for a living? I said I was in America, it was 1952 and I was a racing driver.

The crash actually happened two years ago, but Mr Glennon this week revealed his strange delusions, as he embarked on a fundraising drive for the medical facility that treated him. 

"Apparently I believed this was the case for some time, a week or so. At one point, because I thought I was in America, I looked around at all the medical equipment around me and said 'who's paying for this?'

"It took a while, and I can only now remember things from about the fourth week after the crash. It took the fog many months to clear, it was a very slow process.” 

During his first tentative stages of recovery M Glennon was transferred first to a regular ward out of intensive care, and then to the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU) at Frenchay, in Bristol.

Now fully-recovered, Mr Glennon is set to run the Bristol Half Marathon, on September 25, to raise money for BIRU and hopes to achieve a target of £2,000. 

He said: “As a BBC newsreader and reporter in the West of England, I've covered lots of tragic stories, but now I've learnt first hand just how vital specialist units like this are. 

The source of the experience

Performer other

Concepts, symbols and science items


Past life


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being badly wounded
Being in a car accident


Being in a coma

