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Observations placeholder

Mademoiselle Couedon – The many bodies roasting, the many charred remains



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Premonitions: A leap in to the future – Herbert Greenhouse [1971]

In the 1890s a group of society persons were gathered in the Paris home of a gentleman named count de Maille.

A famous psychic of the time, Mademoiselle Couedon, had consented to give a reading. Many eminent persons were present who could later verify what she had predicted, among them the editor of a Paris newspaper, La Libre Parole, and several noblemen and their ladies.

After doing personal readings for the one hundred or so guests, Mlle. Couedon suddenly leaned back in her chair and gazed thoughtfully at the ceiling. Then she began to chant:

Near the Champs Elysees
I see a place not very high
Not to pious aims devoted
But still it is approached
For a charitable end,
Which is only half the truth.
I see the fire leaping,
And the people screaming.
The many bodies roasting,
The many charred remains-
What horrid masses of them!

Mlle. Couedon then explained to her guests that she had "seen" a fire that would take place some time in the future at a charity affair sponsored by Paris society. All of the Count's guests would attend the affair, but none would be affected by the tragedy. None, that is - she now turned slowly to her host - except Count de Maille. But fortunately, he would escape personal injury. He would be affected only distantly, indirectly.

On May 4, 1896, one of Paris' worst fires broke out at the Charity Bazaar. More than a hundred society women perished, but those who had been present at Mlle. Couedon's reading escaped unhurt. Count de Maille, who attended the Bazaar, was not injured, but a distant relative was burned to death.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


