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Observations placeholder

The Lotus Sutra - 06 Bestowal of prophecy - 1 Kashyapa



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Lotus sutra – translated by Burton Watson
In his final incarnation
he will be able to become a Buddha.
His land will be pure and clean,
the ground of lapis lazuli.
Many jeweled trees
will line the roadsides,
with golden ropes to mark the roads,
and those who see it will rejoice.
It will constantly emit a pleasing fragrance,
with heaps of rare flowers scattered around
and many kinds of strange and wonderful things
for its adornment.

The land will be level and smooth,
without hills or depressions.
The multitude of bodhisattvas
will be beyond calculation,
their minds subdued and gentle,
having attained great transcendental powers,
and they will uphold and embrace
the Great Vehicle scriptures of the Buddhas.

The multitude of voice-hearers
will be free of outflows, in their last incarnation,
sons of the Dharma King,
and their number too will be beyond calculation-
even when one looks with the heavenly eye
one cannot determine their number.

This Buddha will have a life span
of twelve small kalpas.
His Correct Law will endure in the world
for twenty small kalpas,
and his Counterfeit Law
for twenty small kalpas.
Light Bright World-Honored One
will be of this description.

The source of the experience

Lotus Sutra, the

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


