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Observations placeholder

Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections - Mrs Gray, of the Cape, South Africa has an OBE



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections

Case No. 166-Mrs Q. Gray

Mrs Gray, of the Cape, South Africa, sent the following (in litt., Oct.24 1961):

"Many years ago, when I was a schoolgirl, it was a brilliant moonlit night and we were all sitting in the garden with some visitors. My mother asked me to go indoors and make some tea. As I got up to go, my father was talking, half reclining in a deck chair. I did not turn on any lights as the moon was so bright.

On my way to the kitchen I passed the open door of the bathroom .Moonlight streamed through the window, and standing at the basin, washing his hands, I saw my father ! I was transfixed with amazement. He [: 'double'] looked as solid as anything round about. Yet I could hear his voice coming from the garden. As I looked, the figure vanished, and I fled outside, refusing to go into the house again until the family came in too."

Another experience of Mrs Gray's was as follows.

"One night last summer I was lying in bed unable to sleep. It was a very hot night-still and oppressive. I tossed about for a while and then decided to stand at the window and get a breath of cool air from the sea. The moon was high and shining into the room. Suddenly our cat rushed round the corner of our guest-room that stands alone in the garden, detached from the house. The cat was closely followed by a huge dog I had never seen before. The cat leaped through the bathroom window that is always left partly open, and the dog jumped up after it. I leaned out of my window to see if it would jump right through the window too, but it dropped back, and, as it did so, it saw me and came towards my window. I tried to shut the casement, but, to my consternation, my hand went right through the fastener !

I looked back into the room, meaning to see if my husband was awake-and then forget all about the dog, for there on the bed lay my body, soundly sleeping, next to my husband's body!,

"I went and stood beside the bed, and looked at my body as it breathed deeply and regularly. I noticed that my hair was clinging damply to my perspiring neck and I put out a hand to move it and instantly I was inside my body and wide awake."

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




