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Observations placeholder

Laubscher, B J F - Seeing the ghost of the little girl who drowned in the dam



Type of Spiritual Experience


We think he saw a replay of the event

A description of the experience

B J Laubscher – Where Mystery dwells

The following account comes from an Afrikaans man and has been translated

"I am an elder in the church and a deeply religious man who through experience with supernormal phenomena have convinced myself that the soul of man survives death.

I have often seen those who have died during the day as well as during the night, and although the teachings of my church interpret these things otherwise I will follow my own conscience and inner directives.

As a boy of fourteen years I one day accompanied a man on his horse-and-cart to a farm where he had business. Having out-spanned the horses at our destination, I remained sitting next to the cart because I did not want to intrude on the company of adults.

While sitting there I noticed a huge earthen-dam wall near the south side of the house. I just sat thinking of nothing in particular when I noticed a lovely little girl some twenty yards from the dam wall. She stood and looked at me and I looked at her. She had on a white Boer ”kappie" (bonnet), a blue dress, white socks and black shoes. Suddenly she turned and walked towards the dam wall, where there were a few large stones and at that spot she disappeared over the dam wall.

I noticed that the child was floating in the air rather than walking, but I attributed this to the heat of the day. I did not then think of a spirit, but of a child in the flesh. My curiosity aroused I went to look what had become of the little girl. I found the dam bone-dry and no child anywhere. I looked all over but could not find her.

When I returned to the cart I found that another cart had out-spanned in my absence and a boy of my own age was sitting there.

We started to talk and I said to him that I felt uncomfortable there because it seemed to me that the people of the farm had no children. Then he told me that they had had one little girl, but she had been drowned in that very dam, having fallen in one day just where the big stones were.

The source of the experience

Laubscher, Dr B J F

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being a child

