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Observations placeholder

Croiset, Gerard - The prophecy of who would sit in a chair, with added details of their lives



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Croiset the Clairvoyant - Jack Harrison Pollack

During his chair tests, Croiset's images of future seat occupants frequently include colourful, specific incidents in their lives which unmistakably identify them.

At a March 1, 1948, Dutch chair test, he predicted that on the second seat from the right on the fifth row would sit a man who some years before, while walking near a large villa on a hill, had aided an unconscious woman who wore a light dress. The startled man sitting in this chair acknowledged that this picture tallied exactly with the time his wife was hit by an automobile twelve years ago. He had held his unconscious wife in his arms while awaiting an ambulance.

At a German chair test at the University of Bonn Psychological Institute on October 18, 1952, Croiset perceived in advance a young man who had narrowly missed losing a finger on an electric saw, and who had recently received a telegram ("a yellow letter with black printing") which had upset him considerably.

At a chair test in Haarlem, Holland, on February 1, 1955 Croiset had bull's-eye impressions of a grey-haired, self- made Rotterdam drug manufacturer whose sister contracted polio as a child; who had discussed Joan of Arc the afternoon of the meeting; who did considerable business in Tripoli; who had recently visited a widow friend compelled to serve food to her lodgers to make ends meet.

The source of the experience

Croiset, Gerard

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


