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Observations placeholder

Croiset, Gerard - The child drowned by Fort de Bilt, Utrecht; a prediction his body would soon be found



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Croiset the Clairvoyant - Jack Harrison Pollack

Conversation with a Teacher

Another seven-year-old boy disappeared on February 21st 1951. Police could find no trace of him.

Three days later Gerard Croiset was telephoned in Enschede by the missing child's schoolteacher, Miss H.M., in Utrecht.

"I have a clear picture of the child," the paragnost said sorrowfully. "I see military barracks and a shooting range. There is grass around it. In the grass is a small hill. There I see water also. In this water, the child fell and drowned. He is there now. His body will be found by a man in a small boat. This man wears a coloured band around his cap. When you come from Enschede toward Utrecht, it is on the left side of the road."

On March 1, Professor Tenhaeff asked Croiset, "Have you had any further impressions about the missing Utrecht boy?

Without hesitation Croiset answered, "Yes. As I told his teacher, the child has definitely drowned in the water by Fort de Bilt [outside Utrecht]. His body will soon be found."

On March 5 the boy's body was discovered precisely where Croiset had said near the shooting range and military barracks.

The body was found by a skipper of the harbour service who was cleaning the canal. And he wore a coloured band around his cap.

In his original conversation with the boy's teacher, the paragnost had combined in his total impression the past present, and future.

  • The past: the child fell in the water.
  • The present: the child is lying there now.
  • The future: the child will be found by a man wearing a coloured band around his cap.

Discussing this example of previewing the future, Croiset observed, “I did not send this skipper to the place where he would find the child. All I said was, 'This man with the coloured band around his cap will come there and he will find the boy."

The source of the experience

Croiset, Gerard

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


