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Observations placeholder

Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – On one horrible occasion he chased them all with an axe



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Other lives, past selves [A Jungian Psychotherapist discovers Past Lives] – Dr Roger Woolger

The Australian Dr. Caron Kent reported, in his book on Reichian treatment called Man's Puzzled Body,  the case of a young woman who consulted him with a severe curvature of the spine.

She had already seen several specialists who claimed that the degeneration of her spine was much too advanced for surgery to be effective, telling her essentially that her condition was incurable. Dr. Kent learned that the curvature had arisen in childhood and that she had not been born with it. Since she had no childhood history of infection, injury, or disease, Kent wondered what could have brought on such severe symptoms.

In his effort to uncover the origin of the damage to the young woman's spine, he regressed her hypnotically back to the time of childhood when, apparently, she first experienced problems. In a trance state that sounds from his description like much of our past life work, Kent had the woman relive a traumatic scene. When the woman was a girl of six her father had been drunk a lot and had gone on violent rampages about the house, threatening his wife and children. On one horrible occasion he actually chased them all with an axe. In her regressed state the woman found herself as a six-year-old girl hiding in utter terror behind the wooden door of an outhouse while her father entered looking for her.

As she relived the scene, she reproduced a crouched position on the couch leaning to one side-presumably to squeeze herself further behind the door. In order not to reveal herself, she also held her breath. Even though the father had failed to find her or hurt her, she had never fully released either her breath or the sheer terror of those appalling moments in which she crouched behind the door anticipating her father pulling her out and hacking her to death.

Kent encouraged a full catharsis of the woman's terror and shock in reliving this totally forgotten scene. In doing so, the most amazing thing occurred. According to Kent, the woman's spine straightened itself, Apparently the emotional trauma had left the young girl physically frozen in the posture she had adopted to escape her father, an event later to be forgotten by the conscious mind.

Kent afterward had her return to the spinal specialists she had consulted and they were all prepared to testify to the remarkable recovery.

The source of the experience

Healer other

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Bone and skeletal disease
Psychological trauma



