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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke’s list of Plants with high Concentrations of Chemicals with AntiMeniere's Activity



Type of Spiritual Experience


Due to the nature of the chemicals having anti-Meneiere's activity, one should treat the following list with a great deal of care if you are not a herbalist.

The list contains both medicines and foods.

If you are not a herbalist stick to the foods only and take note of the part of the plant. 

There are plants in this list that are poisonous if you do not know what you are doing.  Some are intended to help with the nausea - they are thus alleviative rather than curative

A description of the experience

Dr Duke’s list of Plants with high Concentrations of Chemicals with AntiMeniere's Activity

Croton tiglium (Purging Croton) Seed - 72,000 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Urtica dioica (European Nettle) Seed - 18,090 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Opuntia ficus-indica (Nopal) Seed - 9,100 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura innoxia (Thorn Apple) Leaf - 7,700 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Senna obtusifolia (Sicklepod) Seed - 7,180 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura candida (Borrachero) Plant - 6,600 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura metel (Hindu Datura) Seed - 6,470 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura stramonium (Jimsonweed) Seed - 6,100 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Opuntia ficus-indica (Nopal) Bud - 5,119.2 ppm total [2 chemical(s)]

Datura innoxia (Thorn Apple) Root - 4,680 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura metel (Hindu Datura) Leaf - 3,500 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura innoxia (Thorn Apple) Shoot - 3,320 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura metel (Hindu Datura) Root - 2,340 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Passiflora quadrangularis (Granadilla) Fruit - 1,360 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura innoxia (Thorn Apple) Flower - 1,340 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Acacia farnesiana (Cassie) Leaf - 914 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) Plant - 889 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Latua pubiflora (Latua) Stem - 800 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Datura metel (Hindu Datura) Stem - 780 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]

Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus) Shoot - 732 ppm total [1 chemical(s)]


Fri Oct 30 17:17:33 EDT 2015

The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

