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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder




Type of Spiritual Experience


Number of hallucinations: 1


This is from a forum for manic depressives who tend to have visions or hallucinations anyway, but also get them during the manic phase when they can’t sleep ………

A description of the experience

X forum

I have had lots of extended periods of no sleep - they tell me to go to the hospital when I am awake for more than 3 days, but I wait until 4 or 5, and they watch me for 3 or 4 days until I go to sleep; because I just blow through the medications that are supposed to make me sleep - to include benzodiazepines, Thorazine or Haloperidol.

There were just couple of times, when I had auditory hallucinations. I knew was having them; because hearing a radio in your head, music and even commercials, did not make sense. Once in the hospital, I was reading, doing a jigsaw puzzle, watching TV and listening to the radio in my head, and the psychiatrist asked me to go to a conference room. When I went in the room, he asked me if I was moving my head because of the medication, and I told him no, just to the music I was hearing. He asked me why I didn't mention it earlier, and I told him that no one had asked. Ooooops...

Hallucinations don't happen to me frequently. Once a General Practitioner told me "you realize that you are going to be having hallucinations soon" (I had only been up 7 days), and I told her "No, I am not".

 She then told me that the Visions that Indians (Native Americans for the politically correct) stayed up and starved themselves for three days, were just hallucinations, and that I probably wouldn't even remember the conversation we were having.

 After the 12th day of being awake, I was finally able to go to sleep for five hours, and the next day I again slept for about the same amount of time. So I was released; it helped that I worked at the hospital. About a week later, I pulled the GP aside and talked to her about the conversation that I wasn't supposed to remember. I told her that everyone is different, but when dealing with someone in a manic state, their brain is working differently and standard rules can't be applied. She spoke with me a couple of days later, and actually apologized as she had spoken with a couple of psychiatrists who told her I was right. Duh, I have only been living with this condition for 23 years

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

