Does heaven exist? With well over 100,000 plus recorded and described spiritual experiences collected over 15 years, to base the answer on, science can now categorically say yes. Furthermore, you can see the evidence for free on the website allaboutheaven.org.

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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke's activity in Caffeic acid



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience




Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor - Dosage: 4 ug/ml (weak activity) [SKN43:99]
Allergenic - [M&R317]
Analgesic - [PMP23:51]
AntiHIV - Dosage: EC50=200 ug/ml [POP:270 EMP6:189 EMP5:207]
AntiLegionella - [YAK122:487]
Antiadenoviral - [EMP5:207]
Antiaggregant - [JBH]
Antiaging - [PM69:1125]
Antiatherogenic - [X15712986]
Antibacterial - [PAM YAK122:487]
Anticancer - [JAF47:397]
Anticarcinogenic - [EMP6:189]
Antidepressant - [X12802204 X15712986]
Antiedemic - [EMP6:189]
Antielastase - Dosage: IC50=86 ug/ml (475 uM) [PM69:820] ; Dosage: IC50=93 um/l [X11199135]
Antiescherichic - [PR14:561]
Antiflu - [EMP5:207]
Antigonadotropic - [JNM1:10]
Antihemolytic - Dosage: 25 uM [PC36:579]
Antihepatoadenomic - Dosage: 200 ppm diet orl mus [ACS661:230]
Antihepatotoxic - [PM56:173]
Antiherpetic - Dosage: 50 ug/ml [V&D EMP5:206] ; Dosage: EC50=>50 ug/ml [POP:270]
Antihistaminic -
Antihypercholesterolemic - [EMP6:189]
Antihyperthyroid - [X3987612 X6724503]
Antiinflammatory - [JBH X15712986]
Antileukemic - [AJC31:37]
Antileukotriene -
Antimelanogenic - [JAF50:3718]
Antimutagenic - [PCF:18]
Antinitrosaminic - [PCF:18]
Antiophidic - [FT65(2):101]
Antioxidant - Dosage: 1.3 x Vit. E [BO2] ; Dosage: 1/2 BHA [JAF50:889] ; Dosage: 1/3 quercetin [JAF47:397] ; Dosage: 30 mM [JAF48:235] ; Dosage: 50 uM [PC27:973] ; Dosage: IC57=30 ppm [PCF:221]
Antiperoxidant - Dosage: IC35=200 ug/ml [JAF50:2993] ; Dosage: IC50=44 uM [PM57:A54] ; Dosage: IC85=100 ug/ml [X15796587]
Antiproliferant - [AJC31:37]
Antiprostaglandin - [PJB1(1):169]
Antiradicular - Dosage: 1/3 quercetin [JAF47:397] ; Dosage: 10 uM [PC36:579] ; Dosage: 30 mM [JAF48:235] ; Dosage: IC50=32-35 uM [JAF50:7022]
Antiseptic - [JE26:76]
Antispasmodic - Dosage: EC50=3.4-15 uM [PR4:73]
Antistaphylococcic - [PR14:561]
Antistomatitic - [EMP5:207]
Antisunburn - [PM61:510]
Antithiamin - [PCF:69]
Antithyroid - [JNM1:10]
Antitumor - Dosage: 200 ppm diet orl mus [ACS661:230 JAF47:397 PCF:19]
Antitumor (Skin) - [JAF50:3718]
Antitumor-Promoter - Dosage: IC42=10 uM [CR48:5941]
Antiulcerogenic - [JBH EMP6:189]
Antivaccinia - [EMP5:207]
Antiviral - Dosage: IC50=62.5 ug/ml [EMP5:253 AVR14:323]
Anxiolytic - [X12802204]
CNS-Active - [WIC]
COX-2-Inhibitor - Dosage: IC32=100 uM [JNP65:1517]
Calcium-Antagonist - Dosage: IC50=1.2 uM rbt [K16299]
Cancer-Preventive - [525]
Carcinogenic - Dosage: 2% (diet) [PCF:39 277]
Chemopreventive - [X15712986]
Cholagogue - [WIC]
Choleretic - [411]
Clastogenic - [JBH]
Co-carcinogenic - [PCF:44]
Collagen-Sparing - [PM61:510]
Cytoprotective - [CAN]
Cytotoxic - Dosage: TC50=200 ug/ml [POP:270]
DNA-Active - [JBH]
DNA-Protective - [JAF50:7022]
Diuretic - [WIC]
Fungicide - Dosage: MIC=0.4 mg/ml [PC64:211 JE26:76]
Hepatocarcinogenic - Dosage: 400 ppm diet orl mus (in the absence of alcohol) [ACS661:230]
Hepatoprotective - [ACM:210]
Hepatotropic -
Histamine-Inhibitor -
Immunostimulant - [PPL7:187]
Insectifuge - [EB48:111]
Leukotriene-Inhibitor -
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - Dosage: IC27=5 mM [JAF38:688] ; Dosage: IC50=62-148 uM [JAF44:2057]
Lyase-Inhibitor - Dosage: IC50=94-164 uM [JAF44:2057]
Metal-Chelator - [PCF:25]
Ornithine-Decarboxylase-Inhibitor - [PCF:19]
Pesticide -
Prooxidant - [JAFC45:632]
Prostaglandigenic - [RWG27]
Sedative - Dosage: 500 mg [RWG17]
Sunscreen - Dosage: IC50=2.5 mg/l [FT64:134] ; Dosage: IC91=5 mg/l [FT64:134] ; Dosage: IC98=25 mg/l [FT64:134]
Tumorigenic - [505]
Vulnerary - [JE26:76]
Xanthine-Oxidase-Inhibitor - Dosage: IC50=39.21 uM [MAB]

The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

