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Observations placeholder

Keichu - from 101 Zen stones



Type of Spiritual Experience


Keichū (契沖?) (1640 - April 3, 1701) was a Zen Buddhist priest and a scholar of Kokugaku in the mid Edo period. When he was 13, Keichū left home to become an acolyte of the Shingon sect, studying at Kaijō in Myōhōji, Imasato, Osaka. He subsequently attained the post of Ajari (or Azari) at Mount Kōya, and then became chief priest at Mandara-in in Ikutama, Osaka.   However, he disliked the worldly duties of his work and, after wandering around the Kinki region for a while, made his way back to Mount Kōya.

His prolific works set a new standard in the study of the classics, though building on recent revivals of interest in the subject. The Man’yō Daishōki (万葉集大匠記:1687-1690), had a profound effect on kokugaku scholarship. In addition Keichū wrote the Kōganshō (厚顔抄 1691 A Brazen-faced Treatise, the Kokin Yozaishō, the Seigodan, the Genchū Shūi, and the Hyakunin Isshu Kaikanshō.

A description of the experience

"Calling Card"

Keichu, the great Zen teacher of the Meiji era, was the head of Tofuku, a temple in Kyoto.
One day the governor of Kyoto called upon him for the first time.
His attendant presented the card of the governor, which read: Kitagaki, Governor of Kyoto.
'I have no business with such a fellow.' said Keichu to his attendant. Tell him to get out of here.'
The attendant carried the card back with apologies. ‘That was my error,' said the governor and
with a pencil he scratched out the words Governor of Kyoto. 'Ask your teacher again.'
'Oh, is that Kitagaki?' exclaimed the teacher when he saw the card. 'I want to see that fellow.'

The source of the experience

Zen Buddhism

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Squash the big I am


