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Observations placeholder

Fort, Charles - The Book of the Damned - Falls of stone balls and rocks



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Book of the Damned - Charles Fort

Various sources
Then comes the instance of ‘a man’, his wife, and his three daughters, at Casterton, Westmoreland, who were looking out at their lawn, during a thunderstorm, when they "considered," that they saw a stone fall from the sky, kill a sheep, and bury itself in the ground.  They dug.  They found a stone ball.
The "man" was the Rev. W. Carus-Wilson, who was well-known in his day.
This object was exhibited at a meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society by Mr. C. Carus-Wilson. It is described in the Journal's list of exhibits as a "sandstone" ball.  This object was rather more complex and of material less commonplace. In snooping through Knowledge, Oct. 9, 1885, we read that this "thunderstone" was in the possession of Mr. C. Carus-Wilson, who tells the story of the witness and his family—the sheep killed, the burial of something in the earth, the digging, and the finding. Mr. C. Carus-Wilson describes the object as a ball of hard, ferruginous quartzite, about the size of a coconut, weight about twelve pounds. …. there is a suggestion not only of symmetry but of structure in this object: it had an external shell, separated from a loose nucleus.

Proc. Canadian Institute, 3-7-8:
That, at the meeting of the Institute, of Dec. 1, 1888, one of the members, Mr. J.A. Livingstone, exhibited a globular quartz body which he asserted had fallen from the sky. It had been split open. It was hollow.  Its crystalline lining was geode-like.

 lists a quartz pebble, found in a hailstone (Bibliography, part 2-355).

Scientific American, 43-272
An object of quartzite was reported to have fallen, in the autumn of 1880, at Schroon Lake, N.Y.--said to be ‘a fraud’--it was not--the usual [that is not a meteorite].

First of May, 1899
the newspapers published a story of a "snow-white" meteorite that had fallen, at Vincennes, Indiana. The Editor of the Monthly Weather Review (issue of April, 1899) requested the local observer, at Vincennes, to investigate. The Editor says that the thing was only a fragment of a quartz boulder.

Notes and Queries, 2-8-92:
That, in the Leyden Museum of Antiquities, there is a disk of quartz: 6 centimeters by 5 millimeters by about 5 centimeters; said to have fallen upon a plantation in the Dutch West Indies, after a meteoric explosion.

Popular Science Review, 4-126:

That one day, Mr. Le Gould, an Australian scientist, was traveling in Queensland. He saw a tree that had been broken off close to the ground. Where the tree had been broken was a great bruise. Near by was an object that "resembled a ten-inch shot."



The source of the experience

Fort, Charles

Concepts, symbols and science items


Activities and commonsteps

