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Observations placeholder

Anacreon - And Now With All Thy Pencil's Truth



Type of Spiritual Experience


The See saw - Jean-Honore Fragonard

A description of the experience

And Now With All Thy Pencil's Truth

And now with all thy pencil's truth,

Portray Bathyllus, lovely youth!

Let his hair, in lapses bright,

Fall like streaming rays of light;

And there the raven's die confuse

With the yellow sunbeam's hues.

Let not the braid, with artful twine,

The flowing of his locks confine;

But loosen every golden ring,

To float upon the breeze's wing.

Beneath the front of polish'd glow,

Front, as fair as mountain-snow,

And guileless as the dews of dawn,

Let the majestic brows be drawn,

Of ebon dies, enrich'd by gold,

Such as the scaly snakes unfold.

Mingle in his jetty glances,

Power that awes, and love that trances;

Steal from Venus bland desire,

Steal from Mars the look of fire,

Blend them in such expression here,

That we by turns may hope and fear!

Now from the sunny apple seek

The velvet down that spreads his cheek;

And there let Beauty's rosy ray

In flying blushes richly play;

Blushes, of that celestial flame

Which lights the cheek of virgin shame.

Then for his lips, that ripely gem

But let thy mind imagine them!

Paint, where the ruby cell uncloses,

Persuasion sleeping upon roses;

And give his lip that speaking air,

As if a word was hovering there!

His neck of ivory splendour trace,

Moulded with soft but manly grace;

Fair as the neck of Paphia's boy,

Where Paphia's arms have hung in joy.

Give him the winged Hermes' hand,

With which he waves his snaky wand;

Let Bacchus then the breast supply,

And Leda's son the sinewy thigh.

But oh! suffuse his limbs of fire

With all that glow of young desire,

Which kindles, when the wishful sigh

Steals from the heart, unconscious why.

Thy pencil, though divinely bright,

Is envious of the eye's delight,

Or its enamour'd touch would show

His shoulder, fair as sunless snow,

Which now in veiling shadow lies,

Remov'd from all but Fancy's eyes.

Now, for his feet-but hold-forbear

I see a godlike portrait there;

So like Bathyllus! -sure there's none

So like Bathyllus but the Sun!

Oh! let this pictur'd god be mine,

And keep the boy for Samos' shrine;

Phoebus shall then Bathyllus be,

Bathyllus then the deity!


The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

