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Observations placeholder

Kiwi fruit consumption, platelet aggregation and plasma lipids



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Platelets. 2004 Aug;15(5):287-92.

Effects of kiwi fruit consumption on platelet aggregation and plasma lipids in healthy human volunteers.

Duttaroy AK1, Jørgensen A.  1Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo, Norway. a.k.duttaroy@medisin.uio.no

Fruits and vegetables have been thought to be beneficial in cardiovascular disease. The beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables may be explained by the antioxidants and other components contained therein. These nutrients may function individually or in concert to protect lipoproteins and vascular cells from oxidation, or by other mechanisms such as reducing plasma lipid levels (LDL cholesterol, triglycerides), and platelet aggregation response.

Kiwi fruit which contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E and polyphenols may be beneficial in cardiovascular disease; however very little is known about its cardioprotective effects.

Platelets are involved in atherosclerotic disease development and the reduction of platelet activity  reduces the incidence and severity of disease. To this end, we evaluated whether consuming kiwi fruit modulated platelet activity and plasma lipids in human volunteers in a randomized cross-over study.

We report that consuming two or three kiwi fruit per day for 28 days reduced platelet aggregation response to collagen and ADP by 18% compared with the controls (P < 0.05). In addition, consumption of kiwi fruit lowered blood triglycerides levels by 15% compared with control (P < 0.05), whereas no such effects were observed in the case of cholesterol levels. All these data indicate that consuming kiwi fruit may be beneficial in cardiovascular disease.

PMID:  15370099

The source of the experience


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Science Items

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