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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Spiritual concepts


One of the  biggest blocks to spiritual experience is the Ego, Ahaṃkāra , for example, is a Sanskrit term that is related to egoism - that is, the identification or attachment to one's ego.  The Big I am.  It is another word for egotistical which means "excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centred".

The Personality is different.   The Personality is the you that was created to achieve your destiny.  But the Ego smacks of self importance, it is the self important you, the one who thinks he cannot possibly be wrong, or the one who won't forgive or seek forgiveness, who lords it over others, who bullies or manipulates - the control freak

When we are born we are given a 'Personality'.  We need a personality to fulfill our destiny - in other words all the characteristics and attributes we have are there so we can do our job on earth - fulfill our destiny.  So it is needed.

But by having these attributes, we may also have a feeling of uniqueness, [which may well be right], but we can also start to feel separate, our uniqueness gives us the false impression that we are better than other people, important, maybe far more important than anyone else  - AND THIS IS EGO AND IT IS DEEPLY DESTRUCTIVE.

We are NOT special, we are just simply different.  And we have each been made different because we have a job to do.

In other words, the Personality which has become Ego creates the feeling of 'I'.    I am, I want, I need, I believe, etc.   But there is the real danger that instead of just saying, well I have these attributes because I am actually here to 'serve', to fulfill my destiny, all we do is SEPARATE ourselves from our fellow man. 

The stronger the sense of 'I' - a very strong 'ego', the more separate we are and thus the more selfish and destructive we are too, because we feel no sense of unity with our fellow beings - humans, animals or the planet as a whole - at all.

A strong ego is deeply deeply destructive. 

And we are seeing the effect of this sense of separateness now.  Everyone is telling other people what to do to save the planet, but they all think they are too important to do it themselves. 

So a massive ego is doubly dangerous.  It creates a false sense of importance so great that we can destroy the planet because of it.  And the ego totally - and I mean totally - blocks out any spiritual input, thus the help we might receive to save us is denied.

I believe that unless ego is destroyed pretty quickly we are doomed as a species.



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